Below are responses to Question Two which focused on initial expectations. They were provided to the EPISD Superintendent Friday, before the E-mail went to members. Her response - crickets
Q2 How have your initial expectations for the Superintendent compared to the reality of where the district is now? (150 character limit)
Below are some of the notable responses other than the many of those about compensation.
• I wanted to believe her when she said she was listening to teachers and students regarding what they needed to be successful. It was a lie.
• I thought that as a former teacher, she'd remember what it's like in the trenches. She obviously doesn't.
• I had hopes since her background was education and not business that things would get better but it is looking like that is not the case.
• Disappointed how they have gone. More stressed than ever been. Demands and expectations put on teachers is tremendous and I am very overwhelmed.
• I thought she would be a leader that cared about special ed population, turns out she doesn’t.
• The Superintendent does a lot of show but no action.
• There is no teacher voice. Decisions are top heavy and don't take into consideration the experience or best practices of teachers.
• I had really high hopes when the Super first came, but I’ve never seen EPISD have such low morale.
• No. I had high hopes for her. What has happened since then has only proven to be disappointing and quite honestly, a little scary.
• I thought she would turn things around and boost the district’s morale.
• I think she’s trying but too many old associates from previous super are influencing her badly and being sneaky behind her back.
• I expected to be trusted as a professional, to remove all the no sense from the outside.
• I was initially excited, then disappointed regularly. Different conductor, same runaway train.
• I felt she was good for EPISD. Now feels like we've gone backward! The scripted curriculum and crazy expectations. Whole new micro-management phase.
• It has changed, not everything is bad but the way it being delivered and executed.
• I had no expectations. I just wish that the people making decisions would consult people working in trenches.
• Had high expectations but I'm starting to see the same patterns. Not student centered and implementing new things just for money.