Two Year Temperature Check Question Eight Responses
Q8. If you could change one thing about EPISD what would it be? (150 character limit)
Below are some of the notable responses about changes other than the many of those about compensation.
· The reliance on unproven programs and initiatives that invariably damage teacher morale and student achievement.
· Follow your own policies.
· Meaningful lessons that are teacher created.
· Hire teachers instead of all the subs.
· Do what needs to be done so people would want to teach here instead of leave.
· The cronyism.
· SPED caseloads, especially self-contained classrooms because caseloads are getting ridiculously large.
· I would like to see student accountability and support for teachers improve.
· Support. Not being told things like I’ll send you a link and you can look it up from your facilitator.
· Get rid of Amplify. It doesn't follow the TEKS and some material is not developmentally appropriate.
I would note that there were far more than a few responses that called for changing the Superintendent and other top leadership.
Summing it all up, after two years into Ms. Sayavedra’s tenure as Superintendent, there are serious problems in EPISD that are worsening. But as long as the current Superintendent and leadership is focused on appearances, not the realities, it will only continue to worsen.
The appearance of goodness is not being good. (Saying how good you are doesn’t actually make you good.)
The appearance of quality is not the reality of quality.
The appearance of caring isnot the reality of caring.
The appearance of transparency is not the reality of transparency.
EPISD has the quality and talent (the rank and file employees) to be a great public school district, not a Potemkin Village.
In Solidarity,